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Products & Services

We work to accommodate your seating and budget requirements, as well as to provide your spectators safe and comfortable seating.
How to Calculate
Seating Capacities
Seating Capacities for Standard Units*
  1. Take lengths of row in inches
    divided by 18 inches per seat
    equals gross seating capacity per row


  2. less seats lost to aisle (ex. 4'6" aisle = 3 seats)

  3. less seats lost to handicap spaces (ex. 1 HC spaces = 4 seats)

  4. equals net seating capacity per row

Example:   31' - 6" Row (Width of Bleacher)

  • 31' - 6" = 378 in/18 in.  =  21 Gross Seats

  • 4'-6" Standard Aisle     = -3 Seats

  • Net Seats Per Row        = 18 

  • 2 HC Spaces               = -8 Seats

  • Net Seats Per H/C Row = 10


10 Row x 31'-6" Bleacher with Aisle & Handicap

  • Row 1 & 2 (10 Spaces x 2)  =  20 Seats

  • Row 3 - 9 (18 Spaces x 7)   = 126 Seats

  • Row 10                              =  21 Seats

  • Total Net Seating Capacity   = 167 Seats   Plus Handicap Spaces

3 Row X 15'
3 Row X 21'
3 Row X 27'
4 Row X 15'
4 Row X 21'
4 Row X 27'
30 Seats
42 Seats
54 Seats
40 Seats
56 Seats
72 Seats
5 Row X 15'
5 Row X 21'
5 Row X 27'
10 Row X 15'
10 Row X 21'
10 Row X 27'
50 Seats
70 Seats
90 Seats
100 Seats
140 Seats
180 Seats

*Gross Seating  - does not allow for seats lost to aisles.

Based on standard 18 inches per seat space.

© 2019 by DGJD, Inc. Boyd, TX Proudly created with

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